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Stop the world. A Japanese restaurant has created a poo-flavoured curry

Good morning!

OK, SO TOILET-THEMED restaurants and food aren’t that uncommon (hello, Magic Restroom café) but this is just a manky step too far.

A Japanese restaurant has concocted a curry that they say tastes like human poo, served in a toilet-shaped bowl.

poocurry Source: Curryshop Shimizu

But how do they know it tastes like poo, you may wonder. Well, chef Ken Shimizu is a former porn star who, er, dealt with poo a lot during his time in the biz. So let’s say no more about that.

ad_178742781 Source: Curryshop Shimizu

According to Metro.co.uk, the curry is perfectly safe to eat, contains no actual poo (they say), and is instead made up of the disgusting combination of green tea, gourd, and cocoa powder.

Unsurprisingly, no one particularly wants to eat it – a survey carried out by the chef himself revealed that 85% of people asked would never go to the restaurant, based on the descriptions of the food.

That really hasn’t stopped him though, has it? The Lord blessusandsaveus.

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